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  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Integrated water quality assessment of two Rivers Basins from a semiarid region of Argentina
    (Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023-12) Kronberg, M. F. (1, 2); Rossen, A. (3); Clavijo, A. (4); Manetti, M. (1,2); Moya, A. (5); Calvo, D. (6); Mariani, A. (7); Hernández, R. (7); Salatino, S. E. (7); Morábito, J. (7); Rossi, M. (8); Munarriz, E. (1, 2)
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Demanda de agua por parte del sector poblacional y escenarios de uso sostenible en Mendoza, Argentina
    (Millcayac. Revista editada por la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Mendoza., 2022-09) Duek, A. E. (1); El Kassisse, Y. (1); Reale, M. G. (1)
    Se estima que la demanda de agua actual por parte del sector poblacional en Mendoza es de 285,01 hm3/año, de los cuales el 59,12% corresponde a la demanda residencial, el 9,81% a la demanda comercial y el 31,07% corresponde a las pérdidas por conducción y distribución. La mayor demanda poblacional de agua se concentra en la cuenca de los ríos Mendoza y Tunuyán Inferior con un 82,84% del total. La construcción de escenarios ha permitido conseguir estimaciones de ahorro de agua que van del 19% al 72% respecto de lo demandado actualmente.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Effect of stabilization time and soil chromium concentration on Sesbania virgata growth and metal tolerance
    (Journal of Environmental Management. Elsevier., 2023-08) Rodriguez, N. (1); Carusso, S. (1); Juárez,A. (2); El Kassisse, Y. (3); Rodriguez Salemi, V. (3); de Cabo, L. (1)
    Sesbania virgata is a pioneer shrub from the Fabaceae family, native to riparian environments in northeast of Argentina, southern of Brazil and Uruguay. In peri-urban riparian soils, metal contamination is a frequent problem, being its bioavailability partly determined by the stabilization time and frequency of contamination events. The effect of time elapsed between chromium (Cr) soil enrichment and plant seeding and Cr doses on S. virgata tolerance and metal absorption were evaluated. Treatments were developed by adding Cr (80–400 ppm) to the soil and allowing two days or fifteen months to elapse before sowing, and a control treatment without Cr addition. After 150 days from seeding, bioaccumulation and translocation factors, growth parameters (dry biomass and its aerial/radical allocation pattern, stem length and its elongation rate), morphological parameters (root volume and leaf area), and physiological parameters (chlorophyll content) of the specimens were determined. The emergence of S. virgata was inhibited since 150 ppm when Cr was added to the soil two days before seeding, with Cr accumulation in roots starting at 80 ppm (17.4 ± 2.5 mg/kg). Under 15 months of metal stabilization, S. virgata plants survived across the entire range of Cr doses tested, with accumulation in roots since 100 ppm (35.5 ± 0.2 mg/kg) and metal translocation to aerial tissues only under 400 ppm. The results obtained showed that S. virgata did not have high BCF and TF values, suggesting that it cannot be classified as bioaccumulator of Cr under the tested conditions. However, its presence in environments contaminated with Cr can be beneficial, as it helps to stabilize the metal in the soil.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Gestión de los recursos hídricos en el contexto de cambio climático.
    (Ed. Defensoría del Pueblo de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires., 2022) Rossen, A. (1)
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Applying the Nernst Equation to Control ORP in Denitrification Process for Uranium-Containing Nuclear Effluent with High Loads of Nitrogen and COD
    (MDPI, 2022-07) Venturini, M. (1); Rossen, A. (2); Bucci, P. (3); Silva Paulo, P. (1)
    Several reviews of denitrification have shown it to be an efficient process for treating high nitrate-loaded effluents from nuclear industries. However, stressful conditions adversely affect biological kinetic parameters and performance. Additionally, actual nuclear effluents contain multiple pollutants and radioactive emissions that could render implementation difficult. The objective of this study was to treat and recycle water from nuclear industries by using a mixture of blended real nuclear wastewater (BRNW). The process was carried out under physicochemical parameters control in a biological model to established a technical setup and to model the denitrification process in a real nuclear wastewater effluent. Denitrification processes were carried out in the wastewater sample under controlled ORP conditions by the Hill model to establish the kinetic model. The results show a complete elimination of nitrate by the bacteria. Indicators of biochemical reactions were used to obtain a model based on Monod and controlled ORP. The good fit of the proposed model was verified under empirical and simulated conditions. To establish optimal performance, it was necessary to add 3% v/v of methanol, as a carbon source, to remove the nitrate in BRNW. Isolation techniques confirmed that Pseudomonas spp. was the dominant bacteria. Gene expression demonstrated the lack of inhibition of the NosZ gene responsible for the reduction in nitric oxide, a “greenhouse gas”. Finally, COD and uranium were removed from the liquid by precipitation. At the end of the process, the treated effluent could potentially be reused in industrial processes, recycling most of the wastewater effluents.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Nitrification process in a nuclear wastewater with high load of nitrogen, uranium and organic matter under ORP controlled.
    (MDPI, 2021-06) Venturini, M. (1); Rossen, A. (2); Silva Paulo, P. (1)
    To produce nuclear fuels, it is necessary to convert uranium′s ore into UO2-ceramic grade, using several quantities of kerosene, methanol, nitric acid, ammonia, and, in low level, tributyl phosphate (TBP). Thus, the effluent generated by nuclear industries is one of the most toxic since it contains high concentrations of dangerous compounds. This paper explores biological parameters on real nuclear wastewater by the Monod model in an ORP controlled predicting the specific ammonia oxidation. Thermodynamic parameters were established using the Nernst equation to monitor Oxiders/Reductors relationship to obtain a correlation of these parameters to controlling and monitoring; that would allow technical operators to have better control of the nitrification process. The real nuclear effluent is formed by a mixture of two different lines of discharges, one composed of a high load of nitrogen, around 11,000 mg/L (N-NH4+-N-NO3−) and 600 mg/L Uranium, a second one, proceeds from uranium purification, containing TBP and COD that have to be removed. Bioprocesses were operated on real wastewater samples over 120 days under controlled ORP, as described by Nernst equations, which proved to be a robust tool to operate nitrification for larger periods with a very high load of nitrogen, uranium, and COD.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    ¿De dónde viene y a dónde va el agua de las ciudades? Base de datos integrada para 243 centros urbanos argentinos.
    (Ecología Austral. Asociación Argentina de Ecología, 2022-12) Llanes, A. L. (1); Poca, M. (1); Jimenez, Y. G. (2); Castellanos, G. (1); Gómez, B. M. (3); Marchese, M. (4); Lana, N. B. (5); Pascual, M. (6); Albariño, R. (7); Barral, M. P. (8); Pascual, J. (9); Clavijo, A. (10); Díaz, B. (11); Pessacg, N. (6); Jobbágy, E. G. (1)
    Las ciudades dependen de distintos ecosistemas que les proveen servicios. Para el caso de la provisión de agua potable y la disposición de aguas servidas en las ciudades argentinas, el reconocimiento de esto aún es incompleto y fragmentado. Aquí presentamos la primera base de datos que mapea y clasifica las fuentes de suministro de agua y destinos de los efluentes de todas las ciudades argentinas con más 20000 habitantes (en 2010). A partir de reportes existentes, noticias periodísticas e información satelital se registraron en 243 ciudades los puntos de toma y vertido de aguas, junto a otra infraestructura asociada. Se encontró que 30.5, 17.5 y 12.6% de la población se abastece sólo de grandes ríos transfronterizos, agua subterránea y ríos y arroyos internos, respectivamente, con 25.2% abastecido por fuentes mixtas. Las ciudades que están conectadas a las redes públicas de saneamiento recurren para su disposición sobre todo a ríos y arroyos internos (26.6%); sin embargo, de la población urbana que no está conectada a la red cloacal, una proporción elevada dispone sus vertidos en acuíferos libres. La mayoría de las ciudades argentinas no devuelven las aguas de saneamiento al mismo sistema que las provee, y predominan los trasvases desde fuentes subterráneas hacia ríos y arroyos internos. La base de datos evidencia la contrastante ‘presión efluente’ (relación población/caudal del sistema receptor) entre ciudades vinculadas a grandes ríos (e.g., la cuenca del Paraná, con 273 habitantes.m-3.s-1) y a cuencas internas (e.g., la cuenca de Mar Chiquita, con 16141 habitantes.m-3.s-1). Esta base de datos, abierta para la consulta y actualización, visibiliza la conexión espacial e hidrológica entre las ciudades y la red hidrográfica, y contribuye a mejorar la seguridad hídrica y a priorizar los esfuerzos de protección de los ecosistemas acuáticos que la garantizan desde todos los niveles de gestión.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Unraveling the ecological processes modulating the population structure of Escherichia coli in a highly polluted urban stream network.
    (Scientific reports, 2021) Saraceno, M. (1) (2); Gómez Lugo, S. (1); Ortiz, N. (3); Gomez, B. M. (3); Sabio y García, C. A. (2); Frankel, N. (1) (4); Graziano, M. (1) (2)
    Escherichia coli dynamics in urban watersheds are affected by a complex balance among external inputs, niche modulation and genetic variability. To explore the ecological processes influencing E. coli spatial patterns, we analyzed its abundance and phylogenetic structure in water samples from a stream network with heterogeneous urban infrastructure and environmental conditions. Our results showed that environmental and infrastructure variables, such as macrophyte coverage, DIN and sewerage density, mostly explained E. coli abundance. Moreover, main generalist phylogroups A and B1 were found in high proportion, which, together with an observed negative relationship between E. coli abundance and phylogroup diversity, suggests that their dominance might be due to competitive exclusion. Lower frequency phylogroups were associated with sites of higher ecological disturbance, mainly involving simplified habitats, higher drainage infrastructure and septic tank density. In addition to the strong negative relationship between phylogroup diversity and dominance, the occurrence of these phylogroups would be associated with increased facilitated dispersal. Nutrients also contributed to explaining phylogroup distribution. Our study proposes the differential contribution of distinct ecological processes to the patterns of E. coli in an urban watershed, which is useful for the monitoring and management of fecal pollution.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Urban stream restoration and the co-production of socially robust knowledge.
    (SERNews, 2021) Saraceno, M. (1); Gomez, B. M. (2); Graziano, M. (1)
    This article focuses on work happening in the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Neighborhoods inhabited by working class ommunities in Buenos Aires are crossed by a large number of degraded streams that can benefit from restorative actions. Although many studies have reiterated that to be successful ecological restoration programs must be approached in a participatory way by engaging the community in the decision-making, execution, and monitoring of the process, to date the local communities in Buenos Aires have not been involved as relevant stakeholders, resulting in a stream management approach characterized by a hierarchical and highly bureaucratized structure.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Aplicación de bioensayos ecotoxicológicos para evaluar la calidad del agua del arroyo Cañuelas (Buenos Aires, Argentina).
    (Tecnología Y Ciencias Del Agua, 2021-01) Sykora, V. (1); Clavijo, A (2); Calvo, D. (3); Kronberg, M. F. (2); Díaz, S.N. (1); Gómez, C. (4); Munarriz, E. (2); Rossen, A. (1)
    La inclusión de los análisis ecotoxicológicos en los estudios ambientales resulta indispensable, pues aporta información sobre los efectos que los contaminantes puedan causar en los organismos expuestos y en los ecosistemas receptores. El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar la calidad del agua en la cuenca del arroyo Cañuelas (Buenos Aires, Argentina), a partir de determinaciones fisicoquímicas y de bioensayos ecotoxicológicos estandarizados en diferentes niveles tróficos con los organismos: Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, Lactuca sativa y Caenorhabditis elegans. Las muestras se extrajeron de cuatro puntos de muestreo representativos a lo largo del cauce de los arroyos Cañuelas y Navarrete. P. subcapitata y la raíz de L. sativa presentaron los valores más altos de inhibición del crecimiento en los puntos de muestreo coincidentes con un mayor deterioro de la calidad del agua de acuerdo con los niveles propuestos por la normativa local. Por el contrario, C. elegans reveló toxicidad en muestras cuyos parámetros fisicoquímicos cumplieron con la normativa vigente. Los resultados de este trabajo respaldan la necesidad de incorporar una batería de bioensayos ecotoxicológicos que complementen los análisis fisicoquímicos y contribuyan a una mejor gestión de los recursos hídricos.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Determinación de Aldehídos y Cetonas en Emisiones de Gases de Escape de Vehículos EURO IV que emplean Mezclas de Nafta y Bioetanol, en Argentina
    (Ingeniería Sanitaria y Ambiental., 2014) Vassallo J. E (1); Asprea H. (1); Oficialdeguy O. (1); Rodriguez Salemi V. (2); Gomez B. M. (2); Gómez C. (2)
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Evaluación de la tolerancia y remoción de cromo (VI) en tres especies de macrófitas flotantes
    (Ingeniería Sanitaria y Ambiental, 2015) Gomez, B. M. (1); Rodrigez Salemi, V. (1); El Kassisse, Y. (1); Gomez, C. (1); de Cabo , L. (2)
    La contaminación de los sistemas acuáticos con metales, se puede producir como consecuencia del vertido de eflentes industriales con tratamientos inadecuados o sin tratamiento. Los metales son altamente persistentes en el ambiente y pueden ser muy tóxicos para la biota, bioacumularse en los tejidos de los organismos y depositarse en los sedimentos. A través de diferentes mecanismos de fitorremediación con plantas acuáticas, es posible extraer metales de las aguas residuales y promover la restauración de ambientes contaminados. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la tolerancia de tres especies de plantas fltantes (Lemna gibba, Salvinia minima y Azolla fiiculoides) a la exposición de cromo, así como su efiiencia para removerlo. Las plantas fueron expuestas individualmente y por triplicado (ensayo tipo batch) en reactores de plástico con un litro de medio de cultivo a diferentes concentraciones de cromo (1,5, 10 y 20 mg/L). Los ensayos se llevaron a cabo durante 6 días, en condiciones de invernadero con fotoperiodo natural, a una temperatura entre 20 y 24°C. Paralelamente, se realizaron controles bajo las mismas condiciones, pero sin el agregado de cromo. Se determinó la cantidad de cromo total bioacumulado en el tejido de las plantas y la cantidad de cromo total remanente en el agua. Las tres especies estudiadas mostraron ser tolerantes a la máxima concentración ensayada (20 mg Cr/L) y los niveles de cromo acumulados en los tejidos, permiten inferir que constituyen una herramienta factible de aplicar en el tratamiento de sitios contaminados con ese metal.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans as an integrated toxicological tool to assess water quality and pollution
    (Elsevier Science, 2016-11) Clavijo, A. (1) (2); Kronberg, M. F. (1) (2); Rossen, A. (3); Moya, A. (4); Calvo, D. (5); Salatino, S. E. (6); Pagano, E. A. (1) (2); Morabito, J. A. (6) (7); Munarriz, E. R. (1) (2)
    Determination of water quality status in rivers is critical to establish a sustainable water management policy. For this reason, over the last decades it has been recommended to perform integrated water assessments that include water quantities and physicochemical, ecological and toxicological tests. However, sometimes resources are limited and it is not possible to perform large-scale chemical determinations of pollutants or conduct numerous ecotoxicological tests. To overcome this problem we use and measure the growth, as a response parameter, of the soil nematode Caenorhabditis elegans to assess water quality in rivers. The C. elegans is a ubiquitous organism that has emerged as an important model organism in aquatic and soil toxicology research. The Tunuyán River Basin (Province of Mendoza, Argentina) has been selected as a representative traditional water monitoring system to test the applicability of the C. elegans toxicological bioassay to generate an integrated water quality evaluation. Jointly with the C. elegans toxic assays, physicochemical and bacteriological parameters were determined for each monitoring site. C. elegans bioassays help to identify different water qualities in the river basin. Multivariate statistical analysis (PCA and linear regression models) has allowed us to confirm that traditional water quality studies do not predict potential toxic effects on living organisms. On the contrary, physicochemical and bacteriological analyzes explain < 62% of the C. elegans growth response variability, showing that ecotoxicological bioassays are important to obtain a realistic scenario of water quality threats. Our results confirm that the C. elegans bioassay is a sensible and suitable tool to assess toxicity and should be implemented in routine water quality monitoring.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Water quality and toxicological impact assessment using the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans bioassay in a long-term intensive agricultural area
    (Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, Springer International Publishing, 2017-08-03) Clavijo, A. (1) (2); Rossen, A. (3); Calvo, D. (4); Kronberg, M. F. (1) (2); Moya, A. (5); Pagano, E. A. (1) (2); Munarriz, E. R. (1) (2)
    Due to intensive agricultural activities to meet the growing needs for food, large volumes of water are consumed and an increasing amount of agrochemicals are released into the environment threatening the aquatic ecosystem. In order to ensure a sustainable agricultural management, it is crucial to develop an integrated water assessment plan that includes not only water quantity and quality but also toxicological assessments. The Pergamino River basin (province of Buenos Aires, Argentina) was selected as a representative case of study to monitor and assess the impact of both the long-term intensification of soybean production and fast-growing urban development on surface and groundwater sources. Physicochemical analyses and a Water Quality Index were determined and showed that water quality falls into the marginal category, compromising the irrigation purposes and threatening aquatic life. Glyphosate and aminomethylphosphonic acid were detected at least once in all sites. Caenorhabditis elegans toxic bioassays were performed and a toxicological ranking was developed. This analysis proved to be useful to detect toxicity even when water parameters met regulatory requirements and water quality seemed to be satisfactory. This research constitutes a valuable model to be replicated in other river basins that have been impacted by intensive agriculture and growing urban development in order to assess water quality conditions and ensure sound water resources management.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Metals uptake by Sagittaria montevidensis in contaminated riparian area of Matanza-Riachuelo River (Argentina)
    (Springer Nature Switzerland. SN Appl. Sci., 2020-11-10) Gomez, Bárbara Marion (1); Reale, Marisol (1); El Kassisse, Yanina (1); Mujica, Carolina (1); Gómez, Carlos (1); de Cabo, Laura (2); Rodríguez Salemi, Valeria (1)
    The objective of this study was to evaluate the accumulation and uptake of Cr, Zn, Cu, Ni and Pb in Sagittaria montevidensis growing in highly contaminated riparian soils of Matanza Riachuelo Basin (MRB). It is a native and very abundant riparian plant exposed to heavy metal contamination. Samples of S. montevidensis, rhizosphere riparian soil and water were collected at three sites in the lower MR basin. The accumulation and the level of translocation of Cr, Zn, Cu, Ni and Pb in this species were determined. The soils were found to be the main reservoirs of metals (2225 mg Cr kg−1 d.w., 367 mg Cu kg−1 d.w., 61 mg Ni kg−1 d.w., 239 mg Pb kg−1 d.w., and 1495 mg Zn kg−1 d.w.). All studied metals were uptaken, but Zn and Cu were the most accumulated metals (426 ± 28 mg kg−1 d.w. and 129 ± 28 mg kg−1 d.w., respectively). S. montevidensis was an accumulator species for Cu and Ni (Translocation Factor (TF) > 1) and it showed an exclusionary behavior (TF < 1) for Cr, Pb, and Zn. Cu was mostly accumulated in the aerial biomass. The rest of the metals analyzed were mainly accumulated in the roots. The analyzed plant specimens did not show signs of stress, having completed their phenological states. This native species shows high tolerance of metals. Then the preservation and revegetation of this species in the riparian areas constitute a sustainable alternative for ecological restoration.